Legal Information

Terms and Conditions

Here you will find the terms and conditions of ROOLALO, depending on whether you use the platform as a recommender/sharer and/or as an offer owner.

1.- Prior Information

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the "Terms and Conditions") regulate access to the content of the “ROOLALO” platform (hereinafter, the "Platform") owned by ROOLALO, S.L. (hereinafter, "ROOLALO"), with Tax ID B16356545, and registered office at Calle de L'Anoia, 6 BL. A Torredembarra, 43830, Tarragona, Spain.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Offer Owner" (hereinafter, the "Offer Owner") refers to the entity offering a job opportunity, being the organization responsible for creating and publishing a vacancy to attract candidates who meet the requirements for a specific job position, and using the Platform to do so. The Offer Owner can be from any sector, size, and geographic location.

For any inquiries, the Offer Owner may contact the following email address:

2.- Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

Through the Platform, ROOLALO offers an innovative service that actively promotes the recommendation of professional profiles for specific job offers. Recommenders (hereinafter, the "Recommenders") can recommend candidates and share job offers with other users, who in turn can make new recommendations or share the offer. This collaborative system allows users to maximize personal connections to find quality talent.

The Offer Owners use the Platform to manage their applications and receive recommended candidates through an extended network of contacts. Additionally, ROOLALO uses artificial intelligence to evaluate and score candidates based on their suitability for the job, filtering out those who do not meet a minimum threshold. This ensures that Offer Owners receive relevant and high-quality candidates. The combination of personal recommendations, shares, and advanced technology makes the selection process more efficient and effective (hereinafter, the "Services").

ROOLALO is fully responsible for the Services it provides, within the limits of its commitments and according to the terms outlined in these Conditions.

Registration on the Platform and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Offer Owners implies unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the Offer Owner agrees to act at all times in accordance with the provisions set out in this legal document, which defines the rights and obligations of ROOLALO and the Offer Owner regarding the contractual relationship derived from the use of the Services.

Likewise, the Offer Owner declares to be over 18 years old and to have sufficient legal capacity to interact and contract the Services provided on the Platform.

The Services are provided in accordance with the information available on the Platform or by ROOLALO in any other manner and may be modified or fully or partially removed at any time.

Unless otherwise specified, any modification of the Services or any new Service offered by ROOLALO in relation to them through the Platform will be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

3.- Definitions

Sharing Chain: Refers to the group of people who have participated in sharing and recommending a job offer on the ROOLALO Platform. This chain includes all users who have shared the offer or recommended candidates and have directly contributed to a specific candidate reaching the Offer Owner.

Candidate: Refers to the person who submits their professional profile or resume to be considered for recruitment processes.

Sharer: The person who shares a job offer within the platform, contributing to its dissemination.

Job Offer: Refers to a specific job opportunity or position offered by a company/entity or a self-employed individual/freelancer.

Offer Owner: Refers to the person or entity offering the Job Offer and seeking to manage their recruitment processes more efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence: Refers to the ability of a system or software to process data and make decisions based on patterns and algorithms, simulating certain aspects of human thought.

Platform: Refers to the system or technological environment provided by the “Roolalo” software, where applications are managed, recommendations are made, and interactions between Candidates and Companies take place.

Job Position: Refers to specific job opportunities offered by the Offer Owners to Candidates through the Platform.

Recommendation: Refers to the action by which a user of the ROOLALO Platform suggests a specific candidate for a job offer.

Recommender: Refers to the individual who suggests or recommends a specific Candidate for a Job Offer.

Reward: Refers to the financial compensation that ROOLALO Platform users receive for participating in the process of sharing and recommending candidates for a job offer.

Creation Fee: Refers to the fee that ROOLALO will charge the Offer Owner each time they create a Job Offer.

Commission Fee: Refers to the commission that ROOLALO will charge on the Rewards distributed through the Platform.

4.- Platform Operation

4.1. Offer Owner Registration

To use the services offered on the Platform, the user must first register by creating a profile as an “Offer Owner” through an online form that must be completed with the required information.

Only Offer Owners who have sufficient legal capacity according to applicable legislation or who have the express authorization of their legal representatives or administrators may complete this form.

ROOLALO may enable the use of personal passwords for Offer Owners who register on the Platform, hereinafter "Credentials." These Credentials will be created and selected by the Offer Owner and will be mandatory to access the Platform's services. Both the email and the password may be modified by the Offer Owners.

4.2. Use of the Platform

Offer Owners are fully responsible for the use and access to their account. Therefore, Offer Owners are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of their Credentials and agree not to transfer or allow their use by third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor to share them with third parties.

As a result, Offer Owners must immediately notify ROOLALO via email at of any misuse of their username and/or password.

Offer Owners assume full responsibility for their use of the Platform.

4.3. Obligations of Offer Owners

Offer Owners must fulfill the following obligations:

  • Complete the online form with the required information to access the Platform's services as an "Offer Owner."
  • Publish accurate and updated job offers.
  • Respect the confidentiality of the information received from Candidates.
  • Hold ROOLALO harmless from any claim arising from the breach of the established obligations.

4.4. Obligations of ROOLALO

  • Enable the use of personal passwords for Offer Owners.
  • Ensure the integrity and accuracy of the issued invoices.
  • Maintain and update the Artificial Intelligence algorithms to ensure accurate recommendations.
  • Protect the confidentiality of the data stored on the Platform.

5.- Billing

ROOLALO will charge the Offer Owner a Creation Fee of €100 each time they create a Job Offer.

Additionally, ROOLALO will charge a Commission Fee of 10% on all Rewards distributed through the Platform. This includes Recommendations, Shares, and Extra Bonuses for hired candidates.

6.- Liability

ROOLALO does not guarantee specific results or ensure the achievement of particular goals when using the Platform. Although the Artificial Intelligence and recommendation processes are designed to optimize the match between Candidates and Job Offers, ROOLALO cannot guarantee that all Recommendations will result in successful hires or that vacancies will be filled within a specific timeframe.

7.- Service Cancellation

The Offer Owner may cancel their account on the Platform at any time by following the instructions provided.

ROOLALO reserves the right to revoke access to the Platform without prior notice in cases where it reasonably considers that the Offer Owner breaches the Terms and Conditions or uses the Platform fraudulently.

8.- Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights related to the Platform are the exclusive property of ROOLALO. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, modification, or use of any content on the Platform is not allowed without the express consent of ROOLALO.

9.- Personal Data Protection

The Offer Owner declares that they are aware of and comply with Spanish and European legislation on the protection of personal data, specifically the GDPR, LOPGDD, and LSSI.

10.- Modifications

ROOLALO reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information on this Platform, as well as these Terms and Conditions.

11.- Hyperlinks

ROOLALO is not responsible for the use or content of hyperlinks to third-party websites.

12.- Nullity

The fact that one or more clauses of these Terms and Conditions are declared null by judicial decision does not affect the remaining provisions, which will remain in force.

13.- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law. In case of dispute, the courts and tribunals of Tarragona will have jurisdiction.

1.- Previous Information

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the "Terms and Conditions") regulate access to the content of the platform “ROOLALO” (hereinafter, the "Platform") owned by ROOLALO, S.L. (hereinafter, "ROOLALO"), with Tax ID B16356545, and registered office at Calle de L'Anoia, 6 BL. A Torredembarra, 43830, Tarragona, Spain.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Recommender" (hereinafter, the "Recommender") refers to the individual who suggests or recommends a specific candidate for a specific job position offered by the owner of a job offer on the Platform. "Sharer" (hereinafter, the "Sharer") refers to the individual who shares a job offer with other users, encouraging them to recommend suitable candidates or continue sharing the offer.

For any inquiries, the Recommender and/or Sharer may contact the following email address:

2.- Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

Through the platform, ROOLALO offers an innovative service that actively promotes the recommendation of professional profiles for specific job offers. Recommenders and/or Sharers can recommend candidates and share job offers with other users, who can, in turn, make new recommendations or share the offer. This collaborative system allows users to fully leverage personal connections to find quality talent.

The owners of the offers (hereinafter, the "Offer Owners") use the platform to manage their applications and obtain recommended candidates through an extended network of contacts. Additionally, ROOLALO employs artificial intelligence to evaluate and score candidates based on their fit for the job, filtering out those who do not meet a minimum threshold. This ensures that Offer Owners receive relevant and quality candidates. The combination of personal recommendations, shares, and advanced technology makes the selection process more efficient and effective (hereinafter, the "Services").

ROOLALO is fully responsible for the Services it provides, within the limits of its commitments and according to the terms outlined in these Conditions.

Registration on the Platform and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Recommenders and/or Sharers implies the unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the Recommender and/or Sharer agrees to act at all times in accordance with the provisions established in this legal document, which defines the rights and obligations of ROOLALO and the Recommender and/or Sharer regarding the contractual relationship derived from the use of the Services.

Likewise, the Recommender and/or Sharer declares to be over 18 years old and to have sufficient legal capacity to interact and contribute to the Services provided on the Platform.

The Services are provided in accordance with the information provided on the Platform or by ROOLALO in any other manner and may be modified or partially or fully removed at any time.

Unless otherwise specified, any modification of the Services or any new Service offered by ROOLALO in relation to them through the Platform will be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

3.- Definitions

Sharing Chain: Refers to the group of people who have participated in the process of sharing and recommending a job offer on the ROOLALO Platform. This chain includes all users who have shared the offer or recommended candidates and have directly contributed to a specific candidate reaching the Offer Owner. Only individuals involved in this sequence of actions leading to the successful recommendation of a candidate will receive a reward, provided the Offer Owner decides to unveil the candidate.

Candidate: Refers to the person who submits their professional profile or resume to be considered in the recruitment process.

Sharer: The person who shares a job offer within the platform, contributing to its dissemination.

Offer: Refers to a specific job opportunity or job position offered by a company/entity or self-employed individual/freelancer.

Offer Owner: Refers to the person or entity offering the Offer and seeking to manage their recruitment processes more efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence: Refers to the ability of a system or software to process data and make decisions based on patterns and algorithms, simulating certain aspects of human thought.

Platform: Refers to the system or technological environment provided by the "Roolalo" software, where applications are managed, and recommendations are made, facilitating interactions between Candidates and Companies.

Job Position: Refers to specific job opportunities offered by the Offer Owners to Candidates through the Platform.

Recommendation: The action by which a user of the ROOLALO Platform suggests a specific candidate for a job offer.

Recommender: Refers to the individual who suggests or recommends a specific Candidate for an Offer.

Reward: The financial compensation that ROOLALO Platform users receive for participating in the sharing and recommendation process of candidates for a job offer.

Creation Fee: The fee that ROOLALO will charge the Offer Owner each time they create an Offer.

Commission Fee: Refers to the commission that ROOLALO will charge on the Rewards distributed through the Platform.

4.- Platform Operation

4.1. Recommender and/or Sharer Registration

To use the services offered on the Platform, users must first register by creating a profile as a “Recommender” or “Sharer” through an online form that must be completed with the required information.

Only Recommenders and/or Sharers who have sufficient legal capacity according to applicable legislation or who have the express authorization of their legal representatives or administrators may complete this form.

ROOLALO may enable personal password use for Recommenders and/or Sharers who register on the Platform, hereinafter "Credentials." These Credentials will be created and selected by the Recommender and/or Sharer and will be mandatory to access the Platform's services. Both the email and the password may be modified by the Recommenders and/or Sharers.

4.2. Use of the Platform

Recommenders and/or Sharers are fully responsible for the use and access to their account. Therefore, Recommenders and/or Sharers are responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of their Credentials and agree not to transfer or allow their use by third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor to share them with third parties.

As a result, Recommenders and/or Sharers must immediately notify ROOLALO via email at of any misuse of their username and/or password.

Recommenders and/or Sharers assume full responsibility for their use of the Platform.

4.3. Obligations of Recommenders

Recommenders must fulfill the following obligations:

  • Complete the online form with the required information to access the Platform's services as a "Recommender."
  • Use the Platform solely in accordance with the Terms and Conditions outlined in this contract.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the passwords and access accounts provided by ROOLALO.
  • Ensure that Candidate recommendations are accurate and relevant to the posted Offers.

4.4. Obligations of Sharers

Sharers must fulfill the following obligations:

  • Complete the online form with the required information to access the Platform's services as a "Sharer."
  • Use the Platform solely in accordance with the established Terms and Conditions.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the passwords and access accounts provided by ROOLALO.

4.5. Obligations of ROOLALO

  • Enable the use of personal passwords for Recommenders and/or Sharers.
  • Process the payment of the Reward to the Recommender and/or Sharer after the warranty period offered to the Offer Owner.

5.- Billing

Payments for Rewards will be made using the payment methods established on the ROOLALO Platform.

6.- Liability

ROOLALO does not guarantee specific results or the achievement of particular goals when using the Platform.

7.- Cancellation of Service

The Recommender and/or Sharer may cancel their account on the Platform at any time by following the instructions provided.

ROOLALO reserves the right to revoke access to the Platform without prior notice if it reasonably considers that the Terms and Conditions have been breached.

8.- Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights related to the Platform are the exclusive property of ROOLALO.

9.- Personal Data Protection

The Recommender and/or Sharer declares that they are aware of and comply with Spanish and European legislation on the protection of personal data.

10.- Modifications

ROOLALO reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information on this Platform.

11.- Hyperlinks

ROOLALO is not responsible for the use or content of hyperlinks to third-party websites.

12.- Nullity

The fact that one or more clauses of these Terms and Conditions are declared null does not affect the remaining provisions.

13.- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law.